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Black Lives Matter

June 20, 2020 | 0 Comments


I pray and hope you and your family are doing well. I can’t believe we are already halfway through the year! 2020 has brought so much change and social disruption. Black Lives Matter became more than a slogan as many marched on streets around the world demanding JUSTICE, an end to police brutality and anti-black racism. It has been both an empowering and overwhelming experience for me personally. Empowered to see so many people rise in recognition of the INJUSTICE many people from African descent have faced for centuries. Overwhelmed, because many of the issues that feeding systemic racism can’t be erased in one day.

I thought about the past month, I wonder about what will happen in a month when something else takes priority in the news. Would black lives still matter? These are questions that only the future can answer. But in the meantime, we are all committed to continuing our mission to: increase the intergenerational economic mobility of marginalized and underserved communities by becoming leaders in intergenerational poverty research to inform policies and practice, and a hub for these communities, linking them to relevant resources and support.


To accomplish this mission, we will continue to seek and foster collaboration with community partners, other non-profit organizations and corporate entities seeking meaningful and sustainable change.

Stay well and stay healthy,

Camilia Thieba, MSc
CEO & Founder
Hakili Community for Sustainable Development
Building Stronger Families and Communities
www.hakiliworld.org | 587-997-4786