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Our Response to Covid-19

April 23, 2020 | 0 Comments


I pray and hope you and your family are doing well during this crisis. As you all know the past couple of months have been challenging for everyone. But amidst the confusion and desperation, hope is rising. This pandemic has challenged our values, forced us to re-evaluate our priorities, unveiled our blind spots and vulnerabilities. If any good is emerging from this is the need for each other, our need for community. Young, old, rich, poor, educated and illiterate, healthy and sick; we all share in the same human experience.

Hence it’s so critical that we rise up. We may not have it all together or maybe struggling ourselves at a different level however, we need to turn to others and look at what we can do with our meagre resources. Generosity and altruism have long been known to promote well-being, improve mental health and enable us to thrive in challenging times. This is why I would like to ask you to look around and lend a helping hand to someone. No matter how small the gesture maybe, I am sure the person will appreciate it and you will be filled with hope despite your difficult circumstances.

We will all emerge from this pandemic, somewhat weakened but stronger. As an organization, we have had to re-evaluate our plans and operations but we are determined and committed to our goal: create a world where all children have a fair chance in life. Our team and volunteers are working hard, and I would like to thank them for the incredible work and resilience. We will let you know as we move forward with our new and adjusted plans. If there were a time in history, the world needed dreamers and optimists, it is now. So raise up, lean on your resilience, protect your positivity and that of your family, look outwardly and reach out. We are all in this together and we will make it!

To stay informed of our activities, visit our community calendar: https://hakiliworld.org/calendar/

We may be quieter than usual but we are present and want to hear from you. So don’t hesitate to connect with us: info@hakiliworld.org.

Stay well and stay healthy,

Camilia Thieba, MSc
CEO & Founder
Hakili Community for Sustainable Development
Building Stronger Families and Communities
www.hakiliworld.org | 587-997-4786