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we are taking action

Early Childhood EDUCATION

As a community, we strive to educate and support parents to raise the leaders of tomorrow regardless of their circumstance. The early years of a child’s life are very critical. These years are the foundation for their future learning, functioning, and overall well-being. Under-nutrition, toxins in the environment, high stress, and lack of proper stimulation and healthy social interactions during these years can impact brain development and have lasting cognitive and emotional effects. 


Youth are more vulnerable to poverty simply because of their age. They make up close to 20% of the homeless population in Canada. In other developing areas of the world, there are about 500 million unemployed or underemployed people, especially girls. Can we create opportunities that will allow them to identify their potentials and gifts, acquire the necessary skills, while providing them with the resources they need to secure or create work for themselves ? As a community, we strive to prepare the next generation to be the leaders of tomorrow
People working together

Community sUPPORT

All over the world, millions of people are living in poverty or in marginalized and underserved communities. The struggles they face can include racism, exploitation, and many other prejudices including reduced access to opportunities. What does it take to ignite long lasting sustainable? As a community we strive to come together and join forces in tackling tackle systemic barriers that plague our community.

To get involved with Hakili: 

  1. Subscribe to our newsletter

  2. Donate now, as a charity, your donation is eligible to tax receipts

  3. Volunteer and support at-risk children in your community to gain valuable training and life-skills

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To keep our overhead low and allow maximum flexibility for program participants, we conduct our programs online whenever possible. Being a volunteer-run organization keeps our operating costs low

However, we still need your support to purchase the necessary software, online communication platforms and other program-related costs. Yeswecode is an exciting program dedicated to providing free computer science education to youth aged 8 to 18 years. Your donation enables us to cover operational costs, create fund enrichment programs for youth and parents, or purchase program-related expenses such as software and materials for our YesWeCode Program. 

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